Key Values of Metalka Majur Enterprise

People: Our Biggest Assets are Our Employees
The biggest assets of our enterprise are 
PEOPLE, all the employed who contribute to the company’s growth and development every day. PEOPLE are initial driving force for all activities in the enterprise, whereas we try to make creative environment, taking care of the employees and their interpersonal relations, where everybody works with smile.


Creativity: What Makes Us Different from the Others and What We are and Wish to be Remembered for is Our Creativity.
The value creating the competitive advantage and uniqueness of the enterprise is 
CREATIVITY. We want to give our personal touch to the creative process, business approach, products and our appearance on the market as well as the entire development of the company. We want our CREATIVITY to be recognized widely in public.

Openness: We are Open Regarding New People, Ideas and Businesses.
OPENNESS:: for new people, for new ideas, for new businesses. Business operations without mystification, with the glance right into one’s eyes, sincerely, friendly and honestly – OPEN-MINDED.

Loyalty: We Create Mutual Strong Relationship Between the Enterprise and the Employed.
We create the environment where the people want to work as well as specific relationship between the enterprise and the employees – mutual 
LOYALTY. It means the company that takes care of its employees and the employees that take care of their company. Mutual connection and confidence.


Quality: Our Aim, Our Wish and Our Obligation are to Realize Each Task as Better as Possible. The Same is Applicable to Our Products.
>We do our best for each task to be carried out resulting in highest level of 
QUALITY , which we can currently achieve. One of primary tasks for each employee is to improve the quality at all times (products, business operations, interpersonal relationships and work-related relationship).


Ambition: Corporate and Personal Ambition Drives Us Ahead Every Day.
The driving force is our 
AMBITION, to be increasingly better, to create innovative and quality-based solutions as well as to enrich and improve the lifestyle of our products’ users at all times.