Directing development of “Metalka Majur” towards creating high quality products has resulted in the following Certificate Marks:
Certification Mark granted by “Rostest”, Russia, Certification Mark granted by Zavod za ispitivanje kvalitete and Koncar Institute, Croatia and Serbian conformity mark.
Apart from the previously mentioned national certificates, “Metalka Majur” has been granted CB Test Certificates which make possible the access to the markets of all countries, members of CB network.
CE mark on a product implies that the product fulfills the requirements of EU Directives and it is submitted to the procedure of conformity tests.
The quality repeatability as a real support in brand building is made possible by keeping constant product characteristics and properties as well as by creating business system which adequately generates the trust of customers and end users.
Quality System management certificates (YUQS QNet) confirm the quality repeatability.
Quality management system implies that the quality product is not a chance result but the rule resulting from system organization and stability of all processes within Metalka Majur.
Our dedication to quality has resulted in “The best from Serbia” award for the year 2005, 2008 and 2009, when Metalka Majur after taking part in “The Best Serbian Brands” campaign won the prize for corporate brand. This campaign was organized by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Services, Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Daily Economy Magazine “Pregled”.
Metalka Majur manufactures its products in compliance with the European and International standards: